2NE1 is a figure much like a soda-pop in the music industry. In 2009, four people with four distinct personalities united and instilled the music industry with a fresh energy. They appealed to fans with their unique personalities which was occupied at the time by flowery girl groups, and they are now amongst the most popular of idols, in Japan, and even Europe.
All five songs in their second mini album released on the 28th were All-Kills. They have also already began their Japanese promotions officially, and their collaboration with the maestro of the hip hop scene, Will.I.Am is going smoothly.
2NE1 stated with ease, “There has never been a time when we have worn flowery one pieces for broadcasts. We’re going to show everyone music that is differentiated from other girl groups by our unique personalities”.
- All your songs are title songs.
“Truthfully, while making our first album, we felt that we were lacking in the number of songs we had and so we released a mini album. Although the number of songs were still few, the quality of each of the songs were good enough to be deemed the title song. It’s an album that we are personally satisfied with. The overall style of the songs are different. It seems like we’ll be able to show a variety of 2NE1′s different sides.” (Sandara Park)
- Recently, the response for ‘Ugly’ has been hot.
“It’s a song made by Teddy oppa with a very strong rock feeling. I have a hope that the content of the lyrics will convey the message better than the performance. It speaks of the loneliness and nervousness that everyone has felt at least once. There are many times when I feel lonely. When I finish a performance and come off the stage, I always have an empty feeling.” (CL)
- It’s almost been a year since you’ve had Korean activities.
“Our breaks were long. Even while producing songs, we’ve had time to recharge. While starving us from promotions, it makes us more content when we appear on broadcasts. When we’re given free time suddenly, we didn’t know what to do. It was the most leisurely lifestyle we had after our debut, however I wanted to enter back into promotions quickly.” (CL)
- What did you do during your break?
“We all went on vacation for 1 month. I visited France. My father held an exhibition too, but I wanted to be free more than anything. However I was surprised that people could recognize me on the streets. Sometimes, people would look at me and tilt their head, then suddenly recognize me and rush towards me. There were also students who had 2NE1 stickers on their bags. One time I went into a store and Can’t Nobody was playing, and I was really happy.” (CL)
- What’s an interesting story while producing this album?
“We always film our music videos in Namyangju. Since we film for one week, we have to live in a motel. We’ve actually gone so frequently that we’ve even got a favourite motel. Is this not something a girl group should say… ha ha ha.” (Gong Minji)
- Every album, you attempt to transform yourselves.
“We feel burdend to show a new side of ourselves always. Teddy oppa isn’t the type to simply produce one type of genre. We work hard so that we can express various types of music from rock music to hip hop.” (Park Bom)
- Your tattoos became a topic.
“Lonely was a very soothing song, however I wanted to come off strongly in terms of visuals, and in the end I decided on having a tattoo. It was drawn on with a name-pen but it was troublesome because it wouldn’t come off for a couple of days. I was worried that when I went to Japan, I would get caught by the security device because of my tattoo.” (Gong Minji)
- We’re curious about your Japanese activities.
“At the beginning of this year, we had made our entry into the Japanese market, however because of the earthquake, we had to cut our promotions off early. Since it is Japan, we have no intention of showing a new side of us. We are planning on entering Japan with the same promotions we did in Korea. I was happy when Jeremy Scott sang along in Korean to ‘I am the Best’. We want to form a bond with Japanese youth coming from a Korean perspective.” (CL)
- Did you study a lot of Japanese?
“The others have studied it before our debut, and CL had lived 7 years in Japan. I’m far behind, but every time I open my book, I become really sleepy. I’m still far behind.” (Sandara Park)
- You are already new Hallyu stars.
“Since our language and appearances are different, it may be hard to relate to us, but it’s interesting how there is so much interest in our music and videos. When I go on Youtube, I see many covers of our songs, and they even copy our expressions, it really shocks me. Once, Will.I.Am had a concert in Brazil and one fan actually was holding a lightstick with our name on it. Sometimes when we have open broadcasts, I’ve seen fans wearing Hijabs.” (CL)
- Where do you think you lack?
“I think that I really lack in terms of doing variety programs. The members are all not very good at speaking. We can talk about serious things, but it’s tough for us when we have to make people laugh. It’s like our faces cramp up.” (Sandara Park)
“My personality was originally much like an otaku (T/N: very introverted). When there’s a get together, I just stay quietly in a corner. I’m not good at matching my emotions to the occasion.” (Park Bom)
- Do you think ‘I am the Best’ amongst several girl groups?
“Nope. We simply think, “We’re doing different music from other groups.” Of course music can never be the same, we think that personality is important, and we always attempt to challenge ourselves at different music.” (CL)
-You’ll be having your first concert after your debut, ‘Nolza’
“From the moment we debuted, it was a goal of ours to have a concert. I want to have a concert where we can run around and play with the audience. ‘Nolja’, the title of our concert, is also what we shout out before we go on stage instead of ‘fighting’. For the concert, it can also mean ‘Come to play with us’.” (Gong Minji)
- What’s a method of relieving tension before your performances?
“I look at myself in the mirror and say, “I am Beyonce”. After that I feel confident.” (Park Bom)
“My hairstyles are a source of confidence for me. I point my hair up into a Vegeta hairstyle and I slant my eyes upwards because I want to come off strongly.” (Sandara Park).
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