Dec 15, 2010

Aumsville Oregon hit by a Tornado Video and Pictures

The National Weather service was tracking the possible strong storm cell when a huge tornado came out at the small town of Aumsville Oregon, east of Salem. The tornado left the town with disastrous sceneries, houses without roofs, car crashes, uprooting trees, closed power lines and shocked people.

According to the residents of Aumsville, the tornado started after the sky grew very dark and immediately after that, a very fast jet-like sound began moving closer and closer.

Luckily, according to reports, no one got fatal or injured in the incident. Local officials are also encouraging the residents stay away from the area specially from those damaged power lines. through a report, displayed the video of the tornado's wreckage at Aumsville Oregon.

Governor Kulongoski gave his statements already as he toured the affected area last Tuesday (US time). He said:

"The tragedy is not just the physical damage here, but it's also the Christmas season," he said. "This community's going to need some help to get their community rebuilt."

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