Mar 4, 2009

The weakened Mr. President

Obama posters
Old residents of the White house are shocked by behaviour of the US president of Barack Obama in the White house. The president begins work at two o'clock later, than the predecessor, removes a jacket during meetings, and also from time to time looks in offices of the employees.

The new president rises early enough — at 6:45, but, unlike previous, does not go down in office, and is engaged in an exercise room, has breakfast with a family and helps daughters to gather in school. Only after that Obama goes to the Oval office where appears approximately at 9:30. And if at Bush all meetings began and came to an end during certain time now, all meetings also begin in time, and come to an end later.

The shock has caused that fact in old residents of the White house, that the head of the state has weakened a dress-code. During meetings the president removes a jacket and it allows other participants of a meeting. However the greatest surprise in employees of presidential residence Obama has caused that has entered a free fashion for Saturday meetings.

It is indicative, that «free style of work» new president is not limited to it. If the predecessor wished to talk to somebody from assistants caused to itself in an office. Обама without ceremony can come to any of employees of the administration.

Not so long ago the president without the prevention has come into an office to press-secretary Robert Gibbs and has found that put feet on a table. «About, Gibbs, you only have appeared here and have already lifted up feet», - has told Обама to the confused press-secretary.

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