Mar 18, 2009

How to copy narration in Tally (tips):

Purpose:Faster Data Entry in Tally

If you are doing voucher entry in Tally and typing the same narration for each voucher entry again and again. It must be quite time consuming. You can save your data entry time in Tally by copying the narration through Ctrl + R key combination from the keyboard. Follow the given steps to do so.

Step 1: Make a voucher entry and type the narration you required and then save the entry.

Step 2: Make second entry, when cursor at the narration field you can copy previous voucher narration by pressing Ctrl+R key from the keyboard. When you press Ctrl+R , narration of previous entry will be displayed at narration field then you can also modify the narration if required. By this method you can copy narration of all of your entries.

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