May 31, 2009

The initiative is punishable

Notre Dame

On Sunday, on May, 17th, US president Barack Obama has made speech at university I Notr-will give the State of Indiana, considered largest Catholic university of the country.

Obama has risen on a tribune in a professorial cloak as has honourable scientific degree. Speech of the president, basically has been devoted a problem of abortions.

In beginning Barack Obama has called supporters and opponents of abortions not to be so irreconcilable to the point of view of the opponents, to respect each other and to aspire to mutual understanding. Speech has been apprehended extremely emotionally: while supporters interrupted time and again the president with an applause, opponents were not kept from barrackings "Abortion is a murder!", "Cease to kill our children!"

On the eve of arrival of the president to criticism Notes-ladies called a management I Notr-will give to cancel the appointed event, however their appeal has been ignored.

"I do not consider, that discussions on an abortion problem should be stopped, — has declared Obama. — Everyone will be and to protect henceforth the point of view, passionately and with conviction... But let's work together reducing number of the women daring at abortion. Let's reduce number of not desired children. We will assist also support to the women bearing the child". By approximate calculations, to the Mr. of the president listened not less than 12 thousand persons.

Some students have decorated the hats-konfederatki with a symbol of the protest against abortions — a cross and traces of children's legs.

Supporters of the American president could be noticed on inscriptions on headdresses — "Viva Obama".

During speech of the president the protesting scanned outside of an audience: "One, two, three, four. Throw Obama out the door!". The police has detained, on different data, from 22 to 27 persons expressing the disagreement with a position of the American leader.

It is necessary to notice, that about half from 60 million the Catholics living in the USA, agree with the right of the American women to abortion. Approximately 42 % insist that abortions should be outlawed.

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