A winner of Jawaharlal Nehru Award –
Last Updated on Sunday, February 13, 2011 –
Hosni Mubarak is Egypt's longest-serving ruler since Muhammad Ali in the early 19th century and one of the longest-serving leaders in the Arab world.
Since 1967 Egypt is a semi-presidential republic under Emergency Law (Law No. 162 of 1958)
Under the law, police powers are extended, constitutional rights suspended and censorship is legalized
Media reports say that Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak's net worth is nearly between $ 40 to 70 billion.
Just like Indian politicians he also made profits and corruption as the President and dictator.
And got kickbacks, commissions in military contracts and other contracts.
Mubarak's assets are most likely in banks outside of Egypt, possibly in the UK and Switzerland and other tax heavens.
What is the reason these type of people keep their wealth in other countries?
The answer is simple, if they have run away from their nation, they can run quickly and they will not loose a single dollar as their money is kept outside of nation.
The Mubarak family owns properties in London, Paris, Madrid, Dubai, Washington, New York and Frankfurt, according to a report from IHS Global Insight.
Aladdin Elaasar, author of 'The Last Pharaoh: Mubarak and the Uncertain Future of Egypt in the Obama Age', said that Mubarak got many properties in Egypt also, and his net worth is between is $50 and 70 billion.
Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was assassinated in 1981 after that Hosni Mubarak became the President and remain the President of Egypt since 14 October 1981.
Name - Muhammad Hosni Sayyid Mubarak
Born on - May 4, 1928
Birth Place - Kafr-El-Meselha, Monufia Governorate, Egypt
Wife Name - Suzanne Mubarak
Children - two sons: Alaa and Gamal.
He received a Bachelor's degree in Military Sciences in 1949
Later He joined Air Force academy and became pilot officer in March 1950 and also received Bachelor's Degree in Aviation Sciences
After that he joined different departments and became instructor in Air force academy and remain as instructor up to year 1959.
1959 to June 1961 – Mubarak took further pilot training in USSR at Moscow and at Kant Air Base, near Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan, he got training on the Ilyushin Il-28 and Tupolev Tu-16 jet bomber.
1964 – Joined Frunze Military Academy
Then he returned to Egypt
1966 – He took the command of Cairo West Air Base and then Beni Suef Air Base
1967 - Mubarak became the Air Force Academy's commander
1969 - He became Chief of Staff for the Egyptian Air Force.
1970 - President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt died in September 1970 and then Anwar Sadat became President. Sadat declared that Egypt was prepared to "sacrifice a million Egyptian soldiers" to recover its lost territory.
1972 - He became Commander of the Air Force and Egyptian Deputy Minister of Defense
1973 - Yom Kippur War, Ramadan War or October War also known as 1973 Arab-Israeli War and the Fourth Arab-Israeli War, was fought from October 6 to 25, 1973, between Israel and a coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria.
1974- Mubarak was promoted to air chief marshal in recognition of service during the October War of 1973.
1975 - Mubarak was appointed by Sadat as Vice President of the Egyptian republic
As Mubarak was favorite of Sadat he attended all the important meeting with foreign diplomats and visited other nations for meetings.
1979 – President Sadat tried to make peace with Israel in the 1979 Camp David agreement led to Egypt being expelled from the Arab League until 1989
1981 - Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was assassinated in 1981 after that Hosni Mubarak became the President and continued to work as President since 14 October
1981. He also became the Chairman of the National Democratic Party (NDP)
1987 - Re-elected for a second term of office
1989-90 - Chairman of the Organization of African Unity (OAU)
1991 - Gulf War – Iraq, Kuwait and USA
America wanted a trustworthy friend in gulf and Mubarak joined America happily.
And helped American government in that war. American forces won that war.
After this it has been reported that Egypt was rewarded by America, the Arab states of the Persian Gulf, and Europe, they forgave $14 billion of debt of Egypt.
1993 - Re-elected for a third term of office
1993-94 - Chairman of the Organization of African Unity (OAU)
1995 - Mubarak was awarded the Jawaharlal Nehru Award in 1995
1996 - Chairman of the Arab Summit since June
1998 - Chairman of the G-15
1999 - Re-elected for a fourth term of office
2002 - Chairman of the G-15
2004 - In July 2004 Mubarak accepted the resignation of Prime Minister Atef Ebeid and most of the cabinet. He then appointed Ahmed Nazif as the new Prime Minister.
September 2005 –
At age 77 he won, gained a fifth consecutive term in presidential elections in September 2005
The poll was the first under a new system which allows multiple candidates to stand.
In previous elections Egyptians voted yes or no for a single candidate appointed by parliament.
Religious Parties were banned in Egypt.
2005, Dr.Noor contested election against Mubarak, but Mubarak won the election as he got the power of government and military and money.
As political persecution, Nour was convicted of forgery and sentenced to five years at hard labor on December 24, 2005.
On the day of Nour's guilty verdict and sentencing, the White House Press Secretary released the following statement denouncing the government's action:
"The United States is deeply troubled by the conviction today of Egyptian politician Ayman Nour by an Egyptian court. The conviction of Dr. Nour, the runner-up in Egypt's 2005 presidential elections, calls into question Egypt's commitment to democracy, freedom and the rule of law. We are also disturbed by reports that Mr. Nour's health has seriously declined due to the hunger strike on which he has embarked in protest of the conditions of his trial and detention.
The United States calls upon the Egyptian government to act under the laws of Egypt in the spirit of its professed desire for increased political openness and dialogue within Egyptian society, and out of humanitarian concern, to release Mr. Nour from detention
Around 16.7 million Egyptians were online by December 2009 (InternetWorldStats.com).
In March 2010, Mr. Mubarak underwent gall-bladder surgery
According to the BBC, Mubarak has survived six assassination attempts.
January 2011
Citizens of Egypt came on the road with demand of political reforms and removal of Mubarak from the chair of President.
Current Term of President Mubarak ends in September 2011.
As protest grew Mubarak changed his government.
As the protests grew Mr. Mubarak responded by going on national television and promising not to stay in power beyond his current term, which ends in September 2011.
4 February 2011 –
"He is fed up with being president and would like to leave office now, but cannot, he says, for fear that the country would sink into chaos," ABC News, which recently interviewed Mubarak, said.
According to the report, Mubarak was along with his family and his palace was heavily guarded by armed troops, tanks and barbed wires. Protesters' Friday deadline for Mubarak's resignation is ending today.
I would never run away... I will die on this soil," he said as the President defended his legacy, recounting the many years he has spent leading his country.
February 6, 2011
State TV reports that President Hosni Mubarak has resigned from Egypt's ruling party.
His son, Gamal Mubarak, and the National Democratic Party's secretary-general, Safwat el-Sharif, have also resigned, in a new gesture to protesters carrying out a 12-day-old wave of anti-government demonstrations.
However, Mubarak still continues as the nation's president.
It was also reported that another member of the National Democratic Party, Dr. Hossam Badrawy, who is generally well-accepted by the public, has been named Secretary General of the NDP.
What will happen if Mubarak Leaves and Taliban type Government comes into power.
Thursday, February 10, 2011 –
Egypt's military announced on national television that it stepped in to "safeguard the country" and assured protesters that President Hosni Mubarak will meet their demands
Gen. Hassan al-Roueini, military commander for the Cairo area, told thousands of protesters in central Tahrir Square, "All your demands will be met today."
Reports are saying that in 1 or 2 days Mubarak will resign from his post of President
If Mubarak resigns in which country he will go?
As per my reading and understanding Mubarak will go to Saudi Arabia or UK.
He will get political asylum their.
Updated on Friday, February 11, 2011 –
Mubarak Speech –
speaking to the nation in a televised address, Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak said he would remain in office and only transfer power after September's presidential election.
Updated on Friday, February 11, 2011
After 30 Years of rule, Today President Mubarak resigned from his post of President and leaved Cairo.
Egypt is now free and power of people won.
Updated on Sunday, February 13, 2011
The Swiss government has frozen assets belonging to former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak or his family in Switzerland.
It also forbids the sale of any assets, especially real estate holdings.
No details were given regarding Bank account number or which assets were frozen.
At the end of 2009, Egyptian deposits in Swiss bank accounts totalled 3.6 billion Swiss francs (about $3.5 billion), according to the Swiss National Bank.
Reality views by sm –
February 4, 2011
Suggested Reading-
Reference: – Citizens of Egypt Revolt against Egypt Government and
President Mubarak -

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