Sep 29, 2009
Sep 12, 2009
Military doctrines near to the Pentagon
On the river Potomac near to the Pentagon doctrines of the Coast guard of the USA on September, 11th have taken place, informs CNN.
Doctrines have coincided on time with speech of the US president at mourning ceremony in memory of acts of terrorism on September, 11th, 2001. Eyewitnesses have heard, as the Coast guard boat through a loudspeaker demands, that other vessel has stopped. Then local residents have heard shots: it was informed, that them was ten.Officials in Washington, however, have declared, that during doctrines nobody shot. The coast guard fulfilled actions at intrusion of a suspicious vessel into the given zone.
Barack Obama has arrived on September, 11th to the memorial complex opened one year ago in the Pentagon. One of four planes stolen by terrorists in September, 2001 has fallen to headquarters of the Ministry of Defence of the USA, 184 persons there were lost. In total victims of acts of terrorism on September, 11th became more than 3000 persons.
Photo by: ©AFP
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Obama will visit a memorial in the Pentagon
On September, 11th, 2001 Barack Obama has arrived to an anniversary of acts of terrorism to a memorial to victims of terrorists in the Pentagon, informs CNN.
This year an anniversary of acts of terrorism also will appear for the first time for ever and ever — National Day of Service and Remembrance.At 8:46 on local time — at this particular time days the first plane skyjacked by terrorists ran into northern tower of the World shopping centre — on a southern lawn of The White House minute of silence in which will take part the president, first lady Michel Obama and employees of administration of the head of the state will take place. After that Obama will go to the Pentagon.
In 2001 one of stolen by terrorists of "al Kaida" of passenger planes ran into a building of the Ministry of Defence in capital suburb — Arlington, the State of Virginia. Victims of this act of terrorism of a steel 184 persons. As a result of a collapse of towers-twins in New York into which two planes ran, were lost more than 2700 persons. One more skyjacked plane going towards capital, has broken in area Shenksvilla, the State of Pennsylvania, were lost, not including terrorists, 40 persons.
Memorable actions on Friday will take place on a place of the destroyed New York skyscrapers-twins and in Shenksville where building of memorial complexes is not finished yet.
Photo by: ©AFP
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The Texas rangers will be engaged in protection of border with Mexico
Special groups of the Texas rangers will be engaged in protection of the American-Mexican border, informs Associated Press.
As the governor of Texas Rick Perry has declared, the federal government could not cope with a growing crime rate on border, and the local government should be protected independently. According to critics, Perry's message has populist character.According to the governor-republican who earlier repeatedly opposed politicians of the federal government, rangers should block border sites where especially intensively there is a narcotraffic and violence level is high. Besides, a special problem — protection of remote areas where owners of farms and ranches complain of flow of smugglers and gangsters from Mexico with which not in forces to consult local bodies of the law and order and boundary guards.
"Perry's today's statement — the next empty promise about safety of the borders, made in a year of elections", — was declared by representative Kay Bailey Hutchison — the senator from Texas which will compete to Perry on governor's elections-2010. In Perry's answer named position Hutchison "hypocritical" as the woman-politician "is in Washington 16 years", but does not undertake the measures necessary for safety of border in Texas.
Throughout 2009 Perry repeatedly asked the minister of national safety Janet Ann Napolitano and president of Barack Obama to send for protection of the Texas site of border the additional armed contingent of national guards as a part of thousand persons. Till now it have not made, as disputes on an order of financing and placing of guardsmen proceed.
The Texas rangers — the elite law-enforcement department generated in 1835 which are under the aegis of department of public safety of the State of Texas. At present number of rangers — approximately 140 persons. They are engaged in investigation of the important criminal cases, provide safety of the governor, catch especially dangerous criminals. According to Perry, new mission of rangers should become the most important for all their history.
China and the USA have quarrelled because of steel pipes
The Chinese authorities have flayed on September, 10th the decision of the government of the USA on increase in tariffs for import of steel pipes from China.
On it informs AFP. In China have promised to accept "serious reciprocal measures", but have not specified, in what they will consist.On September, 9th the Ministry of Trade of the USA has informed, that imposes penal tariffs not less than in 31% on import of pipes from China. The decision in the ministry have explained complaints of the American manufacturers to metallurgists of China which, using grants of the government, have increased the share in the market of the USA.
So, with 2006 for 2008 import to the USA from China of pipes which are used on oil and gas deposits, has grown for 203%. In 2008 the volume of export of given production has made an order of 2,6 billion dollars.
In April seven American steelmaking companies and trade union of workers of a steel industry of USA United Steelworkers already complained of the Chinese metallurgists to US authorities. According to the American corporations, the increase in export of steelmaking production from China has caused a damage of activity of the American manufacturers and already costed to them more than two thousand workplaces.
In June of current year the administration of the USA has submitted the first from the moment of election as the president of the country of Barack Obama the complaint to the WTO on actions of China. The complaint is connected with unfair, according to the American authorities, restriction of export of raw materials from China (in particular, bauxites and zinc), that gives advantages to the Chinese manufacturers. The raw materials become more accessible to the Chinese companies and decrease in the price.
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Obama has reproached Brown for clearing of the Libyan terrorist
On a Downing street have confirmed, that the question on clearing of the Libyan from the Scottish prison rose during Brown's 40-minute conversation and Obama, however the further comments have refused. In August the American president already named the decision on clearing of the terrorist erroneous, however till now did not state the condemnation in conversation by the British prime minister.
Act of terrorism took place in 1988; as a result of explosion and falling of fragments of the plane 270 persons were lost. Al-Megrahi has been sentenced to life imprisonment in 2001, however in the end of August, 2009 of the terrorist have set free. This decision explained compassion to the 57-year-old man sick of the incurable form of a cancer.
Among victims in the sky over Lokerbi there were 189 Americans, therefore clearing of the terrorist has caused sharp reaction in the United States.
After clearing al-Megrahi in mass-media the version began to be discussed actively, according to which economic interests became the reason of actions of a British side. In particular, the son of Libyan leader Muammar Kaddafi has declared, that negotiations about clearing al-Megrahi were conducted by personally former prime minister Tony Blair lobbying interests of the British businessmen in sphere of the conclusion of oil contracts with Libya. Blair has denied the participation in the transaction.Obama has stated an essence of reform of public health services
The US president Barack Obama has acted on Wednesday, on September, 9th, with the reference to the Congress in which has stated the basic points of the program of reforming of system of public health services, informs Associated Press.
According to Obama, at the heart of the plan of reforms three purposes lay. The first of them is improvement of conditions of medical insurance for those citizens who have already got the policy. In particular, it is a question of restriction of insurance payments and an interdiction for insurers to limit limits of cost of programs of treatment.The second purpose of the program is creation of a stock exchange for insurers which will allow to get the insurance for reasonable money to those Americans at whom the insurance while is not present. Thus Obama has noticed, that for legal and physical persons who have no sufficient means, credits and reduced prices will be provided.
The third point of the plan provides introduction of obligatory medical insurance which will allow to cut down not planned budgetary expenses on payment of treatment of not insured persons. The given innovation will concern only those citizens and establishments who are able pay corresponding payments.
According to Obama, the total cost of the program calculated for ten years, will make 900 billion dollars. The president has assured legislators, that these expenses will not lead to the further growth of budgetary deficiency, and has underlined, that reform will manage to the country more cheaply wars in Afghanistan and Iraq or reductions of the taxes undertaken by administration of George Bush.
According to the plan of administration, means for reform will be received for the account of reduction of other articles of budgetary expenses, and also more rational distribution of incomes in the sector of medical insurance. In the long term, has noted Obama if it will be possible to limit rates of growth of expenses on insurance, the budget will win at least four billion dollars.
Besides, Obama has assured, that expenses on reform do not threaten interests of elderly Americans, having explained, that efficiency of program Medicare serving them will be on the contrary increased. Thus the president has answered statements of critics that reform will be defective for elderly citizens.
Reforming of system of public health services is one of key points of program Obama. Earlier it was informed, what exactly this project became the reason of decrease in popularity of the president. The organisations of conservative sense in different states organise protest actions on which blame the Washington authorities for criminal wastefulness.
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The Pentagon will carry out audit of a nuclear arsenal
The US president Barack Obama insists on carrying out detailed audit of the American arsenal of nuclear arms, newspaper The New York Times writes on September, 8th.
Results of this work will allow to define, as far as possible to reduce their stocks within the limits of the new contract which is planned to sign with Russia.Last time defensive department of the USA carried out similar audit in 2001. Military men have come to conclusion, that the American army will enough have from 1700 to 2200 nuclear warheads ready to application. This indicator suited also administration of then US president George Bush. Now Moscow and Washington are full determination to reduce the nuclear arsenals even more, that is one of the diplomatic purposes of the American president.
Nevertheless, as underlines The New York Times, the detailed analysis of a condition of the American nuclear arsenal in this situation is critical for the USA. He will allow to define a minimum quantity of necessary arms, and also to answer other questions. In particular, what rockets, bombers and submarines the Pentagon, and also what means to spend for their modernisation taking into account if the nuclear weapon appears at other states should keep.
In 1960th years of the USA possessed an arsenal in 32000 nuclear warheads, however by the moment of signing of the contract on reduction and restriction of strategic offensive arms in 1991 their number was reduced to 10500. In 2009 The Federation of American Scientists has informed, that Washington has lowered number of warheads ready to application to 2200. It happens for three years before the terms provided by the international arrangements.
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Obama has told to teenagers about dangers Facebook
The US president Barack Obama has warned the American teenagers against rash use of social network Facebook.
Answering questions of senior pupils, Obama has noticed, that in "a century YouTube" everything, that is written in Facebook can emerge later in a life — including rash acts. He has underlined, that many times heard that people did not take for work after the employer carried out information search about the future worker on the Internet.The president also some times mentioned, as itself made mistakes when went to school, but in details to press did not become. Earlier he admitted, that at school smoked marihuana.
According to site research, 45% of employers use social communities for check of competitors. The basic source of the information for them is Facebook which world audience exceeds 250 million persons.
The large sponsor of presidents is arrested for swindle
The influential collector of donations for Democratic party of the USA is arrested for swindle, writes The New York Times.
According to the investigation, the New York financier-multimillionaire Hassan Nemazee connected with Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, has fraudulently received from corporation Citibank a loan at a rate of 74 million dollars.In bodies of Office of Public Prosecutor believe, that criminal scheme Nemazee has been installed in the end of 2006. The swindle essence consisted in false data which the financier has presented in Citibank at loan registration. On Monday, on August, 24th, Nemazee representatives of FBI have interrogated, and the swindler has immediately returned to bank all sum of a loan. On Tuesday under the decision of the judge of the financier have placed under guards, there are negotiations about clearing on the security.
Nemazee, the 59-year-old American of the Iranian origin, heads investment holding Nemazee Capital, but is more known to public as one of visible sponsors of democrats. Close contacts to the power at the swindler have begun with the middle of 1990th years when Nemazee collected means for Bill Clinton presidential campaign. Own donations in funds of democratic candidates on different posts are estimated hundreds thousand dollars.
Cooperation Nemazee with Democratic national committee has helped success of party on intermediate elections of 2006. On the threshold of presidential elections of 2008 the financier sponsored a nominee Hillary Clinton, for what has received in a national staff, a post of the chairman concerning financing. After end of formation of nominees on a post of the new US president, Nemazee it was switched to support of the winner — Barack Obama — and has collected for the party favourite more a half-million of dollars.
As informs Politico, on Tuesday, having heard about scandal around Nemazee, some politicians-democrats, including vice-president Joe Biden, have declared intention to return the donations received from the financier or to give them for needs of charity.
In the USA will create "an elite command" for interrogations of terrorists
The US president Barack Obama has approved creation of "an elite command" inspectors who will be engaged in interrogations of prospective terrorists.
As writes Los Angeles Times referring to sources in the government, this decision is accepted within the limits of the general efforts of the USA on revision of a counterterrorist policy. The new group of inspectors will include representatives of different departments."The group on interrogations of especially valuable prisoners" which will be based in FBI, should become a living example of refusal of methods of interrogation which were applied in days of George Bush's presidency. Old practice of counterterrorist activity is constant object of criticism from liberals who equate methods of work of inspectors of CIA to tortures.
Creation of a special command of inspectors was recommended to The White House the working group which was engaged in revision of methods of interrogations of terrorists. Work other working group which should develop the plan on closing of prison for terrorists on military base in Guantanamo in parallel conducts: Obama has disposed to close this object causing the big discontent of legal experts, but the further destiny of prisoners of Guantanamo is not defined yet.
Critics of administration of Bush actively discuss possibility of bringing to account of the persons follow rigid counterterrorist a policy of the former power, and their determination becomes stronger thanks to the new facts about infringement of the rights of prisoners. For example, one of these days it became known about results of investigation which was carried out in 2004 by the general inspector of CIA: it was found out, in particular, that on interrogations inspectors of CIA intimidated suspects by means of a pistol and an electrodrill.
On Monday, on August, 24th, The New York Times has informed, that experts of the Ministry of Justice recommended to general public prosecutor Eric Holder to renew about ten affairs closed at Bush about infringement of the rights concluded by inspectors from CIA.
Photo by: ©AFP
Sep 6, 2009
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