Aug 20, 2011

5th Day of Fast of Anna Hazare – Government trying to find ways not to make a strong Lokpal Bill –

5th Day of Fast of Anna Hazare – Government trying to find ways not to make a strong Lokpal Bill –

Today it’s the 5th day of fast.

Anna is fighting for India; Anna is not fighting for any particular caste or religion.

Every Indian is suffering from the disease called as Corruption.

Anna Hazare said that he will nor relent till the Jan Lokpal Bill is cleared.

"Why should we fight? The funds in government treasuries are ours. The treasuries are not threatened by thieves but by those who guards it. The country is not betrayed by enemies but by these traitors,"

The Parliament's Standing Committee on personnel, public grievances, law and justice,

Which is to suggest amendments to the Lokpal Bill has placed an advertisement in Saturday's newspapers calling for views from the public on the Lokpal Bill.

After Anna Hazare fast the advertisement has come,

This will just delay the bill and government will get chance to say no time, next year or in a winter session we can pass this bill.

The people who wish to express their views on the Lokpal draft are required to send their

response within the next fifteen days starting Saturday.

The response can be either in English or Hindi and has to be addressed to Shri KP Singh,

Director, Rajya Sabha Secretariat, 201, Second Floor, Parliament House Annexe, New


The advertisement says that those willing to appear before the standing Committee should mention that in their response.

"Those desirous of submitting memoranda to the Committee may send two copies thereof, neatly typed in double space (either in English or Hindi) to Shri KP Singh, Director, Rajya Sabha Secretariat, 201,Second Floor, Parliament House Annexe, New Delhi-110001 (Tel:23034201, Fax: 23016784, and

within fifteen days of publication of this advertisement.

Those who are willing to appear before the Committee for oral evidence besides submitting the memorandum may so indicate. However, the Committee’s decision in this regard shall be final," the advertisement says.

Government is expecting that for few days Indians will support Anna Hazare then no one will be seen around Anna Hazare and thus the demand of Strong Lokpal Bill will get killed automatically.

Thus I will request you if possible encourage everyone to join Anna Hazare at Ramlila Maidan.

Government will say that we do not have time, remember the politicians pass their salary raise bill in one second.

Politicians pass their pension bill in a second.

Remember these same politicians pass the 15 Bills and laws in one minute which benefit the big corporations.

Now when the time comes to pass the laws which benefit Indians government has no time.

If you not speak on facebook, twitter and ask your friends why they are ignoring the cause of corruption, Janlokpal Bill.

If you can not go on fast then please stop watching entertainment channels only watch Anna Hazare coverage, talk about Lokpal Bill and Janlokpal Bill.

Forget to which political party you belong no one is superior to India and Indian constitution.

Political parties are our servants they must make the good laws, strong laws, and laws to which criminals will fear and not the honest people.

Think for the future

Do not be a political slave.

Learn, understand and read, discuss and debate Lokpal Bill

Discuss, Debate, share increase awareness about Janlokpal Bill

Support Anna Hazare

Suggested Reading –

Janlokpal Bill Versus Congress Govt. Lokpal Bill - Know the difference on 25 Points between Janlokpal Bill and Govt. Lokpal Bill

Reality views by sm –

Tags – 5th Day Anna Hazare Fast Janlokpal bill

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