Mar 17, 2009

How to copy masters to another company in Tally:

copying-ledgers-to-another-company-in-tallyIf you have masters (Masters means ledgers and groups in Tally) created in a Tally company and want the same ledgers and groups for another company so creating from scratch is a tedious and time consuming job. You can save your precious time by copying them to another company by following the simple step by step procedure to do so.

Step 1: Select both of the companies (the company from where ledgers are to be copied and select the company where ledgers will be copied by pressing F1 key at Gateway of Tally).

Step 2: Open the ledger in alteration mode, which is to be copied (by Gateway of Tally - Account Info - Ledgers - Alter)

Step 3: Now press F3 and select the company where this ledger will be copied.

Step 4: Press Ctrl+A to save the ledger in target company.

By this way any number of ledgers and groups can be copied to another company. This can save heavy burden of creating lots of ledgers and saves the time as well.

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