Mar 26, 2009

How to clear run history in Windows:

Generally we use Windows run option to open programs. Just suppose you are sharing your PC with many users, so other users of the PC will easily know that what programs you have used by Run history in run dialog box. To delete the run history we have to use Windows registry editor tool. Follow the steps to clear run history.
run-history-of-windows-xpNote: Take backup of registry before doing this. Doing anything wrong with registry, you can corrupt the operating system.

1. Click Start Menu then select Run. Run dialog box will be appeared on the screen.
2. Type regedit in the text box of Run dialog and then press Enter key to start registry editor.
3. In registry editor Find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RunMRU.
4. On the Right pane of the registry editor, you will find all the programs names that you have used using Run command.Right click the desired program to delete and then select delete.
6. Then click Yes to confirm delete process. By this way you can delete all the desired programs.
7. Now close registry editor.
8. Restart Windows.

Now you have successfully deleted run history.

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