Sep 12, 2009

In the USA will create "an elite command" for interrogations of terrorists

The American president

The US president Barack Obama has approved creation of "an elite command" inspectors who will be engaged in interrogations of prospective terrorists.

As writes Los Angeles Times referring to sources in the government, this decision is accepted within the limits of the general efforts of the USA on revision of a counterterrorist policy. The new group of inspectors will include representatives of different departments.

"The group on interrogations of especially valuable prisoners" which will be based in FBI, should become a living example of refusal of methods of interrogation which were applied in days of George Bush's presidency. Old practice of counterterrorist activity is constant object of criticism from liberals who equate methods of work of inspectors of CIA to tortures.

Creation of a special command of inspectors was recommended to The White House the working group which was engaged in revision of methods of interrogations of terrorists. Work other working group which should develop the plan on closing of prison for terrorists on military base in Guantanamo in parallel conducts: Obama has disposed to close this object causing the big discontent of legal experts, but the further destiny of prisoners of Guantanamo is not defined yet.

Critics of administration of Bush actively discuss possibility of bringing to account of the persons follow rigid counterterrorist a policy of the former power, and their determination becomes stronger thanks to the new facts about infringement of the rights of prisoners. For example, one of these days it became known about results of investigation which was carried out in 2004 by the general inspector of CIA: it was found out, in particular, that on interrogations inspectors of CIA intimidated suspects by means of a pistol and an electrodrill.

On Monday, on August, 24th, The New York Times has informed, that experts of the Ministry of Justice recommended to general public prosecutor Eric Holder to renew about ten affairs closed at Bush about infringement of the rights concluded by inspectors from CIA.
Photo by: ©AFP

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