Mar 11, 2011

Japan hits by 8.9 Earthquake - Tsunami Pictures and Video

The 8.9 magnitude earthquake that hit Japan on Friday, March 11, 2011 about 3:00 PM caused an approximately 4 meters Tsunami altitude that washed away cars, buildings and properties along the coastline.
According to international news reports, the flood brought about by tsunami earthquake swept away many of the building properties, boats, ships and people's lives directly to Kesennuma City. As recorded, this is the 7th largest magnitude earthquake that happened in world history since 1730. The strongest happened was in Chile on May 5, 1960. A 9.5 magnitude that killed almost 1,600 people.

Tsunami warnings has been issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (based in Hawaii) to  following geographical areas:

  • Philippines
  • Indonesia
  • Russia
  • Marcus Island
  • Northern Marianas
  • Philippines
  • Indonesia
Earthquake.USGS also released the computer generated report of the 8.9 earthquake that hit Japan. Below are the exact details of the time, location and distances of the earthquake.

Date and time of earthquake

Friday, March 11, 2011 at 05:46:23 UTC
Friday, March 11, 2011 at 02:46:23 PM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones

Location 38.322°N, 142.369°E
Depth 24.4 km (15.2 miles) set by location program
Region Near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan
Distances 130 km (80 miles) E of Sendai, Honshu, Japan
178 km (110 miles) E of Yamagata, Honshu, Japan
178 km (110 miles) ENE of Fukushima, Honshu, Japan
373 km (231 miles) NE of TOKYO, Japan

8.9 Earthquake and Tsunami Pictures

Japan Tsunami Video

Photos courtesy of; Video courtesy of RussiaToday

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