May 29, 2010

Children do not allow to look on...

French agency Publicis Conseil (Paris) has developed new campaign for bras Wonderbra, using fresh enough and cheerful idea.Sons care...Thus, children too "protect" the fathers from Wonderbra effect.Wonderbra EffectRelated Posts: BrandLouis Vuitton handbags...
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You do clients, we do clothes

Swedish adv agency Volt has shown poses from a Kama Sutra in advertising of a boutique of children's clothes.Kama Sutra for conception"You do the future buyers, we do clothes for them", — underlines a slogan. Visual realisation shows how it's possible...
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Very Brazilian Alcohol

Adv agency Jung von Matt (Alster, Germany) has embodied the Brazilian motives in advertising of alcoholic cocktails «Bit Copa».Freshness body-artThe idea shows a drink "a Bit more exciting", than other drinks, because a drink — "REFRESHINGLY BRAZILIAN".The...
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BBH Japan: the Engraved Jeans

What happens, if you like to decorate the body by means of tattoos, but at you the place has come to an end?The tattooed jeansThe good decision — a laser engraving a tattoo on Levi's jeans.Exclusive Jeans by Levi'sThe company suggests to bring the unique...
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Do I Have the Swine Flu?

Over the last year, swine flu, or H1N1, has received a lot of press. Though it can be a particularly strong strain of the flu virus, it is important to remember that it is just that: the flu virus. In most cases, this flu is nothing to get too alarmed...
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May 25, 2010

MP board higher secondary exam results 2010

MP board higher secondary examination results will be declared on 26th may 2010 at 4 p.m. . Results can be viewed at following link :www.mpbse.nic.inCongrats in Advanc...
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May 22, 2010

Aura Kasih [Indonesian Actress]

READ MORE - Aura Kasih [Indonesian Actress]

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