On Sunday, on May, 17th, US president Barack Obama has made speech at university I Notr-will give the State of Indiana, considered largest Catholic university of the country. Obama has risen on a tribune in a professorial cloak as has honourable scientific...
To begin with I suggest to look at a picture in the big permission.There is such Chinese artist Lui Liu which is known enough in China. In particular, the picture «Chinese servants» — gives very good understanding about world system in understanding...
I will tell history about so-called Scam 419. This international damnation is obliged by the name to article of the criminal code of Nigeria with the same name. Scam 419 or Nigerian letters has begun — you will not believe! — still in the early eighties....
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Recently in Washington the annual public dinner — "Gridiron Club dinner" on which there were representatives of political elite of the USA and the press has taken place.During a dinner, vice-president of the United States Joe Biden known for the verbal...
Aged 23th years Evelyn McHale has written a note — "He is much better off without me... I would not make a good wife for anybody", and it was threw out about 86 floors Empire State Building.Andy Warhol has devoted to this photo one of the works.On the...
Related Posts: USAGorbachev has urged the American president to repeat reorganisation in AmericaMilitary secretGreat depression 1929-1933The unemployed — have gone!President residenceInferiority comp...
Related Posts: CrisisObama allocates $2.4 billion for electromobilesOn a car market of the USA stability is plannedPromissory note Porsche makes 14 billion euroMotors Liquidation Company long will not existThe court has approved sale of actives GM of...
I love hemp!I love New York!I love Obama!I love pig!And what you love, my dear readers?Related Posts: Barack ObamaThe first day in a postKnow the placeThe star presidentMr. George ObamaPolitics tricksWho ...
In Afghanistan the American soldier has entered fight with the Talibs, dressed in underwear - pink boxer shorts, a red T-short and bedroom-slippers barefoot, informs British The Times.It is informed, that the concerned soldier called to parents being...
On YouTube there is a channel of the young British by name of Doug 'QualiaSoup'. Doug one of fighters for common sense and the scientific, logic approach by a life. These videoclips very much like me.Though many also put the British in one number with...
Struggle against terrorism in the USA gets more and more menacing scales.Here is narrated that at 19 airports of the country new devices of scanning have put. Now they not only "smell" the person and luggage, but also projects on the monitor of the security...
The lover of the nature from Chicago Nicole struggles with the squirrel which steals meal from the bird's feeding trough. In an arsenal at Nicole a protecting plafond and vaseline. Last means, it is necessary to tell, it is rather popular in this hard...
On October 1st 1956, the Technical Section was formed and placed in the hands of Mr. Virgilio Tommasi. Acting on the basis of directives received, the Section worked out a general programme of work, the salient points of which may be summarised as follows:...