C++ program to find odd numbers between 1 to 100// In this C++ program the for loop is generating a number from 1 to 100// and increment by 1. In loop the program will check each number whether// it is odd or not by taking a%2!=0. If result of a mod...
Feb 27, 2007
C++ program to find odd numbers between 1 to 100
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C++ program to find even numbers between 1 to 100
// In this C++ program the for loop is generating a number from 1 to 100// and increment by 1. In loop the program will check each number whether// it is even or not by taking a%2==0. If result of a mod 2 is equals to 0// means number is even and it...
Feb 26, 2007
C++ program to generate a melodious sound from PC speaker

C++ program to generate a melodious sound from PC speaker. For this purpose sound() function, delay() function and nosound() function are used. For these functions a special header file dos.h is included.#include<iostream.h>#include<conio.h>#include<dos.h>main(){clrscr();for(int...
C++ program to generate a beep sound from the PC speaker

C++ program to generate beep sound. Here for this purpose dos.h header file is used. In this program sound() function, delay() function and nosound() function are used.This program will generate beep sound from the PC speaker.#include<iostream.h>#include<conio.h>#include<dos.h>main(){clrscr();sound(500);...
Feb 24, 2007
C program to generate a pyramid of stars (upside down )

C program to generate pyramid of stars upside down using for loop. #include<stdio.h>main(){int a,b,c;a=1;clrscr();for (a=5;a>=1;a--){for (b=a;b>=1;b--){printf("*");}printf("\n");}getch();}//output would be************...
C program to generate a pyramid of stars

C program to generate pyramid of stars using for loop. In this program we use nesting of loop. Here two loops are used.#include<stdio.h>main(){int a,b,c;a=1;clrscr();for (a=1;a<=5;a++){for (b=1;b<=a;b++){printf("*");}printf("\n");}getch();}//output...
C program to generate a table of any given number

C program to generate table of any given number using while loop.#include<stdio.h>main(){int a,b,c;a=1;clrscr();printf("Enter Any No.");scanf("%d",&b);while (a<=10){c=a*b;printf("\n%d",c);a=a+1;}getch(...
C program to generate odd numbers

C program to generate odd numbers using while loop.#include<stdio.h>main(){int a=1;clrscr();while (a<20){printf("\n%d",a);a=a+2;}getch(...
C program to generate even numbers

C program to generate even numbers using while loop. #include<stdio.h>main(){int a=0;clrscr();while (a<20){a=a+2;printf("\n%d",a);}getch(...
C program to generate natrual numbers from 1 to 100

C program to generate natural numbers from 1 to 100 using while loop.#include<stdio.h>main(){int a=1;clrscr();while (a<=100){printf("\n%d",a);a=a+1;}getch(...
C++ Program to swap two numbers

C++ program to swap to numbers (integers) means this program will accept two numbers and it interchange their values.#include<iostream.h>#include<conio.h>main(){int a,b,c;clrscr();a=20;b=50;cout<<a;cout<<endl<<b;c=a;a=b;b=c;cout<<endl<<"Now...
Creating picture package in Photoshop: (Tutorial)

Professional photographers always need a method to make an array of passport photo or we may say picture package of passport photo. Here I am explaining step by step process to do the same thing. Scanning a photograph:Step 1: Scan the photograph for...
Rotating Canvas in Photoshop:

If you have image that is not straight, by rotating canvas you can make it straight or you can rotate the image by giving some angle. You can also flip the image horizontally or vertically. If by mistake you have scanned an image horizontally you need...
Feb 23, 2007
Creating Backgrounds in Photoshop: (Tutorial)
In this tutorial we will see that how to create a new file and create background in Photoshop using fill.You can create special background for your photograph using Fill option in Photoshop.Step 1: Start Photoshop.Step 2: Click “File > New’. New Dialogue...
Feb 22, 2007
Sharpen Filter in Photoshop

This is the one of the best Photoshop filter. If you have some images that is out of focus you can repair them with Sharpen filter in Photoshop up to some level.Step 1: Open photo in Photoshop which is out of focus.Origional ImageStep 2: Then click “Filter...
Changing canvas size in Photoshop

By changing canvas size you can increase area around the image. It does not change the size of the image. It gives us extra working space around the image. To do soStep 1: open the scanned image or snap you have taken by your digital camera.Step 2: Click...
Feb 21, 2007
Color photograph into Grayscale in Photoshop :

Step 1: Open your color photo in Photoshop. Step 2: then click “Image > Mode > Grayscale”. A confirmation window will be appeared on the screen. It will ask you that all color information in the photo will be discarded.Step 3: Press “Ok” button...
Adjusting Brightness and Contrast in Photoshop: (Tutorial)

If you have scanned an image or take a snap by your digital camera and unfortunately that is too dark. So there is an option of adjusting brightness and contrast in Photoshop. Just open your scanned image in Photoshop. Before Adjusting Brightness/Contrast...
How To Resize Picture in Photoshop (Enlarge or Reduce Images):

Sometimes we need to resize image. Whether it may be to enlarge or reduce the size of photo. We can easily achieve the same thing in Photoshop. Follow this process, which is given below.Step 1: Open the photo file, which is to be reduced or enlarged...
Feb 3, 2007
C++ Program to generate table of any given number

C++ Program to generate table of any given number. This program accepts a input from the user and generate a table of given number.main(){clrscr();int num;cout <<"enter any number";cin >> num;for (int i=1;i<=10;i++){cout << num *...
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