Nov 13, 2006

Easy Macro Recorder (Record Mouse and Keyboard events) : Tutorial

Have you ever heard that your PC would do work for you without doing yourself. If your answer is "NO" then this article is for you. Yes it is possible that computer will do all of your daily routine work/tedious jobs that you do on computer. 

Just suppose you want to check your yahoo mail. so first of all you starts Internet Explorer then you type in yahoo websitename then you click on "Mail" options then you type in your Login Name and password aftert that you click "Sign In" button. When Inbox appears on the screen you usual click "Check Mail" button to check your mails. All the above steps you use again and again when you check mails. 

These time consuming job would be done automatically. Easy Macro Recorder made these things possible, it is a macro recorder utility which records your mouse events and keyboard events as a macro and then play it back as and when you want. Once you record any macro then you can play it back any number of times, any time. You can make a shedule of it too.

1. Downloading the software :
You can download evaluation version of the software by clicking the following link

2. After downloading the software successfually, Install the software by Doucle Clicking the setup program.

3. When installation is done. You can either start Easy Macro Recorder by double clicking the icon on the desktop or by Clicking Start > Programs > Easy Macro Recorder.

4. After starting Easy Macro Recorder it automatically gets minimize into the system tray. Right click its icon in the system tray a popupmenu will be appeared.

5. To start recording click 'Record' option of the popumenu. 'Save Macro As' dialog box will be appeared on the screeen. Type in the filename in which macro will be placed and then press "save" button. Now recording will be started and Easy Macro Recorder will now record each and every keyboard and mouse events. Its icon will be changed to "R" symbol it means Easy Macro Recorder is recording now. It is just to show the status of the Easy Macro Recorder.

Note : Any time you can start recording by pressing 'F9' Key.

6. Now do your work whatever do you want to record. When you want to stop recording, Right click the icon of Easy Macro Recorder then click 'Stop' option from the popup menu. Recording will be stop.

Note : To stop recording shortcut is 'F10'.

7. To playback your saved macro, Right click the Easy Macro Recorder icon in the system tray then click 'Playback' option of the popup menu. 'Select macro file to play back' dialogue box will be appeared on the screen, Select the saved macro then click 'Open' button to start the macro playing back. Icon of Easy Macro Recorder will be changed to 'P' character it shows that macro is playing back.

Note : To playback a macro file, shortcut is 'F11'. If you want to finish the macro playing process before it finishes press 'F8'.

You can also make a shedule of a macro, To do this go to Control Panel -> Scheduled Tasks -> Add Scheduled Task In the Scheduled Task Wizard, press Next, then Browse button and select the macro file you want to run in the 'Select program to schedule' dialog. Because Easy Macro Recorder associates with the .mac file extension, so you don't need to select 'Macro Recorder.exe' in the program directory, just select the macro file you want to play back.

By this way you can create as many macro as you desire and automate your time consuming daily routine jobs.

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