Feb 2, 2009

Search with Google Search (Tips):

Google search is a most popular search engine on the web. Here I am going to describe you that how can you use it in a efficient way. There are many ways to search through Google Search. By including these tips in your day to day search, you can improve your search result.
Tip 1: Just suppose, you are going to search INDIRA GANDHI so type in INDIRA GANDHI in Search box not INDIRA only because only Indira will give bulk result.

Tip 2: If you want to search MAHATMA GANDHI and don't want to include DANDI so type in the following query in Google search box

mahatma gandhi -dandi
(don't forget to put a space before - sign)

Tip 3: if you want to search MAHATMA GANDHI and also want to include DANDI in your search result so your query will be as follows:

mahatma gandhi +dandi
(don't forget to put a space before + sign.)

Tip 4: If you want to search a particular word and all its synonym. Suppose you want to search SKY and want to include all its synonyms then you

have to include a tilde (~) sign before the search word as shown below:


this query will search SKY and all its synonyms.

Tip 5: If you wish to search any one of the two search terms then include a OR (capital or uppercase) in between two search terms as shown in the below example.

computer OR graphics

Tip 6: If you want to search PHOTOSHOP TUTORIAL on a particular website or a blog then type in the following query in google search box.

photoshop tutorial site:http://unicomtech.blogspot.com

the above query will search for PHOTOSHOP TUTORIAL in http://unicomtech.blogspot.com blog.
(don't forget to put a space before "site" word)

Tip 7: If you need exact phrase or word in search result then put your search terms in to quotation marks ("") as shown below.

"graphics designing"

Tip 8: If you want to find a laptop that is between $500 and $600 then you can search the same by following queries.

laptop $500..$600

(put a space between search terms and numeric. Put (..) between your both of the numeric values.)

Google Advanced search:

you can also try Google Advanced search by clicking "Advanced Search" link near the Google Search box as shown in the picture.

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