Jul 27, 2007

Emergency Eject of CD-ROM drive :

How To Eject CD from CD-ROM drive if it is Stuck :If you have a CD into CD-ROM drive and it is stuck and you are trying to eject tray of CDROM by pressing the eject button or windows eject command but CD won't eject as there is no command to eject a...
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Jul 26, 2007

How to configure windows Vista To take Unicode Hindi :

Are you using Windows Vista and want to type Unicode Hindi then this article is for you. By configuring Windows Vista to take Unicode Hindi you can use it to create a Hindi Blog.So If you want to type unicode hindi in Windows Vista. Here are the steps...
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How to set Classic Start menu in Windows Vista :

If you don't like Windows Vista start menu so there is a simple step to change WindowsVista Start menu into Classic start menu. Classic start menu like previous version of windows that is windows 98, windows 2000 etc.To do so right click on the "Taskbar"...
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Jul 25, 2007

Windows Vista Shortcuts

Windows Key + Spacebar : To bring all gadgets on the front and sidebarWindows Key + F : To Search File and FoldersWindows key + Break : To show 'System Property' Dialog box (COntrol Panel)Windows key + D : TO display desktopWindows Key + M : To Minimize...
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Some Useful Information About Windows Vista :

"My" word has been dropped in Windows Vista :In Previous version of Windows like Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows 2000 there was My Computer, My Picture, My Document, My Music etc but from now on inWindows Vista "My" word has been dropped. Thanx to Microsoft...
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Jul 19, 2007

Program To Demonstrate Item Event

//if user click on any of the list option background color will be changed according //to the option.import java.awt.*;import java.applet.*;import java.awt.event.*;public class listdemo extends Applet implements ItemListener{ List cc; String s; public...
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How to Disable Default Layout In JAVA

By setting layout to null you can customize your own layout style. SetLayout(null) statement will disable default FlowLayout and then by using setBounds() function you can easily set location of any control and width and height of the control as well....
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Jul 11, 2007


In C++ to draw a circle on the screen, Radius of circle is used. But in Java to do the same task width of a circle and height of a circle is used. In C++ x and y coordinates are used for the center point of the circle but in JAVA x and y coordinates...

Jul 10, 2007


class matmul1{ public static void main(String[] args) { int p[][],q[][],r[][],s[][],temp=0,i,j,k,temp1=0; p=new int[3][3]; q=new int[3][3]; r=new int[3][3]; s=new int[3][3]; for (i=0;i<=2;i++)...

Jul 9, 2007

How To Compile and Run a JAVA Program :

Step 1: Type your JAVA Program into any text editor like notepad or Edit (Dos Based Editor).Step 2: Save your program (filename.java). You should use four characters extension .java just for examplehello.java.Step 3: Compile your program with the follwing...
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JAVA Program :

// Java Program To Generate Follwing Pyramid//543212345//5432 2345//543 345//54 45//5 5class series{ public static void main(String[] args) { int a=1,z=0;for (int k=1;k<=5 ;k++ ){ for (int i=5;i>=a;i--...
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